B-Ware for individual deodorant creams - what it's all about.

At the end of last year, after a good 2,500 hand-made deodorant creams, I looked around for a partner who could take over the production. I am happy to have found a really good and reliable partner. Quite unexpectedly, with the last batch of the "Royal", "Gentle" and "Mojito" varieties, we found that small crumbs had formed in the deodorant cream a few days after production.
We immediately started testing and the current batch now looks flawless again. We think we got the hang of it now :)
Nevertheless, I now have cases full of deodorant cream, which would not be "inferior" in any way - but the crumbs make it not so pleasant to apply.
Since No Bullsh!t stands for sustainability, throwing away these products is of course not an option, as they are flawless in their effect and safe to use.
So I will donate a certain amount of the products and offer a part as B-stock at a reduced price in my web shop.
So if you are not squeamish, think sustainably and can accept that surprises can be expected when dealing with natural ingredients - then there are a few bargains for you in the shop.
Thank you for your understanding and your loyalty - I will do everything to ensure that the quality you are used to can be guaranteed in the future.
Sincerely, Nicole
- Tags: Deo Cream Nachhaltigkeit news
1 comment
Hallo Nicole
Und ich dachte das soll so sein!😂 ich finde das prickeln beim auftragen noch spannend. Die Bestellung folgt.
Hey eine Rasiercreme wär doch mal eine Idee. Brauchen alle und ist von der Konsistenz nahe an der Deocreme. Ich wäre ein dankbarer Tester und Käufer.
Weiter so! Danke für deine tollen Produkte.