What a start.
I launched my online shop today and the reactions have far exceeded my expectations. Thank you everyone for sharing and liking, for the great feedback and congratulations and for ordering. <3
Orders came in late into the night and I will fulfill them as best as I can tomorrow. I've put a lot of heart and work into this project over the last few months and I got pee in my eyes a few times today. Thank you for liking No Bullsh!t and for testing the products. You are awesome.
I'm working flat out on new products, improving my processes, learning a lot about costs, inventory, chemistry, natural cosmetics and commerce :) and will start training as a natural beautician this year. It's all so exciting and so fulfilling. My first training as a medical practice assistant is once again paying off. I also know a bit about marketing and I also have the dream designer in the house - so you can be curious about what's to come. I'm happy for that.
I'm looking forward to your feedback!
Sincerely, Nicole