Reflection after this year.

Reflexion nach diesem Jahr.

I reflect often and like. At the end of the year I do it very consciously - and after a year like this...probably even stronger than usual.

I got to know some exciting entrepreneurs and start-ups this year.

These encounters alone fill me with great gratitude and many of these people have already strongly inspired and influenced me on my way. I find the exchange with other founders very enriching and I am a big fan of cooperation and joint projects.
A lot of these entrepreneurs have something in common and I envy them for that - a lot, even more, the longer I do NO BULLSH!T.

There are TWO of them. A team. TOGETHER.

They complement each other. They exchange. They catch each other. You have fun. They take each other further. They share the joys and sorrows of "being an entrepreneur" and pursue the same goals. You are a TEAM. Sometimes even a PAIR.

That's great. And enviable.

An experienced businessman said to me a few days ago: "TO start a business ALONE - that's the premier class." As great and desirable as that sounds, he made it very clear that it's hard, it's difficult - it's LONELY. And that's exactly what I mean.

I often wish I could talk to someone. Dump my frustration too. Share my sorrows and successes. Compensating for my weaknesses with someone who has exactly these skills and allowing me to focus on my strengths. Giving up responsibility and being able to sleep better at night. Having fun together and believing in the big picture.

I look forward to the day when that will be possible. Be it because I have found a business partner or I am hiring my first intern, I am leading a whole team or I have found a mentor. TOGETHER everything is so much better. Who knows what the New Year will bring.

Until then, I will hold on to 2 other statements that the experienced businessman gave me.

  1. "Hold on."
  2. "Sales don't exist - sales are made."

Photos by the awesome Pascal Erb



  • Nicole on

    Liebe Jrene, danke für das schöne Feedback. Es tut gut zu hören, dass es anderen auch so geht. Und ja, lass uns sehr gerne mal austauschen. Ich drück dich, Nicole

  • Jrene on

    Liebe Nicole, ich fühl dich so sehr. Ich empfinde es sehr ähnlich, mir fehlt die «Zugehörigkeit» und das gemeinsame Verfolgen von Zielen, Visionen … Ich schätze all die Begleiter*innen, die meinen Weg kreuzen oder Teile davon mit mir gehen sehr, aber den Rucksack trage ich stets alleine.
    Lass uns 2021 unbedingt mal austauschen. Herzlich, Jrene

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