Upcycling - Smells good.

Upcycling - Smells good.

When I launched my online shop 1.5 years ago, the topic of sustainability was central. So I decided to use aluminum cans for the packaging of the Deodorant Cream and Lip Care – with the idea of ​​refilling them. The great thing about aluminum is that it is "endlessly recyclable". So even badly dented cans, if recycled correctly, will get back into the cycle and can be used over and over again.

Many of you, send me back the empty cans - you are great. I am also always very happy about the lovely cards that often come with the returns. Thanks!

After numerous clarifications, I unfortunately had to admit that cleaning the used cans for refilling with cosmetics would be very time-consuming and anything but resource-saving. It is actually more sustainable to recycle the cans correctly than to refill them with cosmetics. That was a setback. :)

But as is well known, setbacks make you creative and I quickly had a new idea for refilling the used aluminum cans.

Two scented candles were created in a limited edition, which carry us off into the beautiful Swiss mountains with their fragrance compositions. Since fragrances are something very special for me, I am very happy about the two Scented Candles "St. Moritz" and "Valbella".

I left the casting of the candle to the professionals - the wonderful Sonja from Girl from the Mountain . She makes great candles and beauty products and I am particularly happy about this "power women cooperation".

I hope my vegan scented candles will also take you to St. Moritz or Valbella and tempt you to dream.

Here are the products.

1 comment

  • Daniela Gojo on

    Ich bin jetzt schon ein bisschen älter.Das heißt:ich habe in meinem Leben schon 100e Deo’s ausprobiert.
    Nun ist es aber so weit…ich habe mein Deo gefunden🤘👍Eben..No Bull shit🙈
    Ich bin Happy..
    Liebe Gruess

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