Time for a new design

It's hard to believe that it's been a year since I launched my online shop. It's amazing what has happened this year... but don't worry, there's no chronicle of No Bullsh!t to follow (yet).
I want to tell you what the new designs are all about. The previous simple design underlines the philosophy of No Bullsh!t very aptly. The reduced design may work well in the online shop and also in stationary shops with advice. But what if the product has to “sell itself”? If no additional information or testers are available? I needed to find a way to convey more information without unnecessarily cluttering the design. I think my favorite graphic designer and I did an excellent job.
When looking for the right paper, it was always important to me to find a solution that was as sustainable as possible. Especially in label printing, the Swiss market is not yet very sustainable. I am fortunate that I was able to convince a label specialist of the need for sustainable solutions. We went on a search together and he has now expanded his range to include several "environmental papers".
The No Bullsh!t labels are printed on bagasse paper. This consists of waste products from agriculture (wheat, sugar cane, corn) are compostable and therefore have a very good ecological balance. Unfortunately, these papers are not yet available for the multi-page (multi-label) labels on the back. Everything needs it's time.
I am very happy with the result and am happy every time I can pack the products and send them to you.
I hope you like the new design too!
Simone on
Tatsächlich habe ich mir gerade heute Morgen das Papier etwas näher angeschaut, weil ich mir kurz überlegt habe, wie du das wohl mit dem Recycling machst. Dabei, und no bullshit, habe ich mir gedacht, dass dieses Papier echt schön ist. Mir gefällt der leicht ausgefranste Rand und die leicht raue Oberfläche <3
Jenny on
Liebe Nicole, ich muss sagen, ich finde das Design echt cool und gut gelungen. Mach weiter so!
Irina on
Yessssssss Mojito fix im Sortiment 😁freu
Herzlichen Dank, Nicole, für das Superprodukt. Das Deo ist der Hammer!